The Silent Website Killer: Why Bad Copy Can Cost You Clients

Imagine you're searching for a landscaper online, eager to get started on your dream backyard project. Only to land on a website riddled with typos, the message and services offered unclear, and you have no clue how to even contact them. Most likely, you will just hit the back button and move on to another website.

Unfortunately, this scenario plays out all too often. In today's digital age, your website is your online storefront, the first impression potential customers have of your business. And guess what? Bad website copy can be a silent business killer. 

Here's why crafting compelling website copy is crucial for your landscaping business:

1) First Impressions Matter 

Think back to the age-old adage: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." This applies to your website just as much as anything else. Visitors shouldn't have to decipher cryptic messages or navigate a maze of text to understand your value proposition.

Great website copy gets straight...

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The Secrets to Successful Landscaping Email Marketing

Ever pour your heart into an email campaign, only to be met with radio silence? It happens to the best of us. Here are the key email marketing metrics that can transform your campaigns into blooming success stories.

  • Open Rates: They say first impressions are everything, and that holds true for email marketing. High open rates are the holy grail, and they all start with a captivating subject line. Think of it as your headline - it needs to be clear, concise, and intriguing enough to entice recipients to click that "open" button.
  • Click-Through Rates: It's fantastic that people are opening your emails, but what happens next? Don't settle for just being seen! Craft compelling content within your emails that sparks action. This could be anything from highlighting a seasonal service with stunning visuals to offering a free consultation. Ultimately, your goal is to get readers to click on a link, be it for a quote, a downloadable guide, or to schedule a service call.
  • Bounce Rate: Bounce...
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Repurposing Social Media Content: The Right Way for Landscape Businesses

In today's digital marketing landscape, social media is vital for landscape businesses to attract new customers and showcase their expertise.

However, creating fresh content consistently can be time-consuming. The good news is that you can leverage existing content by repurposing it across different platforms. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do it.

The Wrong Way: Simply Copying and Pasting

It's tempting to simply copy and paste a social media post from one platform to another. However, this approach is ineffective. Each social media platform has its own unique audience and content preferences. For example, LinkedIn fosters a professional tone, while Instagram thrives on a more casual and visually appealing format. Additionally, image size and caption functionality differ across platforms.

The Right Way: Strategic Repurposing

Here are two effective strategies for repurposing social media content:

1. Tailoring Content for Different Platforms:

  • Share the same core message,...
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Unveiling the Perfect Social Media Mix for Your Landscape Business

In today's digital landscape, social media is an undeniable powerhouse for attracting new customers and showcasing your expertise. But with a plethora of platforms vying for your attention, deciding where to invest your time and resources can be overwhelming.

Here at Keldo Digital, we understand that a "one size fits all" approach simply doesn't work. The key lies in identifying the platforms that best resonate with your target audience and align with your content creation strengths.

To help you navigate this decision-making process, we've created a handy chart that considers your preferences and capabilities.

The Keldo Digital Decision Chart:

This interactive chart guides you through a series of questions to determine the ideal social media mix for your landscape business. Here's a sneak peek at some of the factors we'll explore:

  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? It is crucial to understand your ideal customer's demographics and online habits. Are they young...
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Youtube vs. Vimeo: Which is Right For Your Landscaping Business?

Videos are crucial for your landscape business if you want to stand out from the competition. 

From before and after projects, team videos, career testimonials, or training tutorials, videos can help you: show potential customers what you can do, make your company easier to find online, generate leads and sales, and build relationships with customers. 

With countless video platforms out there, consider Vimeo and YouTube as your top options. But….which one is the right fit for you?


  • #2 search engine in the world.
  • You can plan when your videos go live. 
  • You can view comments and opinions from your industry. 
  • Access to detailed analytics on your video performance. 
  • Strict copyright rules. 


  • Experience no ads while viewing. 
  • Your videos will be secure with privacy features. 
  • Videos stream well with no interruptions. 
  • You can quickly change or replace videos. 
  • Access to customer support. 
  • ...
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How to Track Your Landscaping Businessā€™s Social Media ROI the Right Way

In the business world, you've probably heard the term ROI a bunch of times, maybe even more than you'd like. It's the magic word that tells us how much money investment is making.

However, when we track ROI on social media, there are tons of ways to figure out how you're doing and if it's all worth it. But, here's the deal: not all those numbers are created equal, and they don't always paint the clearest picture.

So, when you're keeping an eye on how your landscaping business is doing on social media, which numbers should you focus on?

Let's dive in and find out together! 

Vanity Metrics 

Before we dive into the type of metrics that do work when finding your social media’s ROI, let’s find out which ones don’t work.

Vanity metrics are metrics that look impressive on paper but don't necessarily translate into business results. For example, having a large number of followers doesn't mean that they're all engaged with your content or that they're likely to...

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Which Photo-Sharing Platform is Best For Your Landscaping Business?

In the green industry, images of your projects, work, and behind-the-scenes activities are key for client engagement and lead generation. 

These platforms not only streamline photo sharing within your team, whether they're on-site or at their desks. They also provide convenient access to fresh photos for your marketing department. 

Utilizing tools like the ones here enables both your team and your marketers to access photos effortlessly.

Keep reading to find out which photo-sharing platform is the best fit for your team!


Cloud-based photo and video sharing platform for the service industry.


  • Made for the service industry Time + address stamped 
  • User-friendly 
  • Allows detailed notes on photos 
  • Project-based organization


  • Price starts at $19-$29/mo 
  • Photos can be disorganized 
  • Needs internal processes to organize


Instant messaging, photo sharing, and collaboration platform for teams.


  • ...
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How Many Questions Should Be On Your Website Contact Form?

As a landscape business owner, you know that leads are essential to your success. But how do you generate leads from your website? One of the best ways is to use a contact form.

A contact form is like the gateway to connecting with potential customers. It's a simple form on your website that allows visitors to reach out to you. Typically, it asks for basic information such as the visitor's name, email address, and phone number, along with a message.

When a visitor submits the form, their information lands directly in your hands, providing you with a golden opportunity to establish a connection with a potential lead. But the question is, which type of contact form is the right fit for your landscaping business, and how many questions should you include?

Let's dive into the details to find out.

Types of Contact Forms

When it comes to contact forms, there's a delicate balance to strike. On one hand, you want to ask enough questions to gather the information necessary to qualify your...

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Are Popups a Good or Bad Idea to Use On Your Website?

Have you ever had that moment when browsing a website and a pop-up suddenly appears out of nowhere? Sometimes this experience can be a bit of a bother, especially if you're focused or in a hurry. 

But when you use them wisely, pop-ups can become a great tool for promoting your business's services, promotions, and offers.

Keep reading to find out which pop-ups work best for your landscaping business and when to use them!

Most Common Types of Popups 

Big and Bold

Some marketing nerds call these "Welcome Mats" for good reason. They put your offer right in front of your visitors. For example, if a visitor is looking at your landscape design services, a clear popup offering a 10% discount on a landscape design consultation might get their attention.


Banners can be put at the top or bottom of your site and stay put as visitors scroll. These are handy for suggesting newsletter subscriptions or making seasonal announcements.

Slide-In Boxes

Slide-in boxes are smaller and...

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6 Ways to Segment Your Email Lists That Just Make Sense


Email marketing can be a game-changer for green industry businesses. It helps you build relationships, find new leads, and get more people to visit your website.

But here's the hitch: when you send out one-size-fits-all emails to a diverse group of customers and leads, you often get no response – just crickets.

Before you give up on your marketing efforts, try your hand at list segmentation. Keep reading to discover six simple ways to segment your lists and connect better with your audience!

What is List Segmentation? 

Simply put, list segmentation is the process of organizing your email subscribers or contacts into different groups based on things they like, where they live, what they’ve bought, or what they’re interested in.

For example, you wouldn’t give your succulent water every day, just like you wouldn’t give your fern bright, direct light for days on end.

Your clients are just as unique as your plants. The more personalized the care,...

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